We signed Toby up for a trial ballet class, and I was surprised (and secretly thrilled) by how much he loved it. His tippy toes and round belly were almost too much for this mama to handle. :)
P.S. Toby’s first bike ride.
We signed Toby up for a trial ballet class, and I was surprised (and secretly thrilled) by how much he loved it. His tippy toes and round belly were almost too much for this mama to handle. :)
P.S. Toby’s first bike ride.
its so cute when a little boy dancing ballet. When i was a child, ballet is not my dancing priority but i realize ballet is the coolest dance i ever done. Its hard of course! but when you do it again and again its fun!!
Yay for giving boys dance classes! Especially ballet! :)
Billy Elliot!
Really nice and very entertaining. keep your good post dude.
Sooooo cute!
Oh my, he’s such a cutie!! I can totally understand you! :) So cute.
wow, Ana Louisa, that is quite a celebrity moment! and ann, your son sounds beautiful:)
That is so adorable!
what a great idea! ballet was my favorite thing for a looong time when i was a child, i did it for so many years i still put my feet together as if i’m in a ballet class. and i have two boys, stupid i never thought about ballet as an option! maybe we can wait for tennis…
That belly! Oh my goodness my heart can’t even handle that cuteness!!
My uncle that died before I was born was a fantastic ballerina. It’s why I started dancing when I was younger. My dad said he wondered if his little brother was gay because he took ballet, but one day his brother pointed out that he got to dance with and throw beautiful girls up into the air and catch them many hours of the day. My dad then realized that he was the idiot… Toby’s adorable, I secretly hope he loves ballet and continues taking it! (:
So happy you have taken Toby to ballet and that you and he had fun. My son is 16 and has been dancing for 10 years. I always found that it was other parents who communicated some discomfort and passed it to their kids so your’e fantastic for challenging that nonsense. In past years my boy was quiet about his dance but now he is a proud and beautiful dancer. Despite people’s prejudice, ballet is an athletic activity promoting great strength. My boy is developing a physique to die for and he loves the girls and they love him.
Oh my word! How adorable! Love that you weren’t afraid to put him in ballet. I think that is absolutely, positively, awesome! : )
This is the cutest!! I used to babysit in NY in my college days and I once took a kid to Mommy and Me Ballet (so fun if you haven’t been to a class)—as we’re waiting to be buzzed in, Chris Martin walks up behind me with Apple and asks if we’re going to the same class! We rolled around in our socks with dream catchers to Little Richard. Best babysitting gig ever :)
Ana Louisa (grownupshoes.com)
This is too cute!
I’m pretty sure that’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. Boys into ballet get teased when they’re too young to realize that they’re surrounded by girls! I still have rad posture thanks to many, many years of ballet
Your son is adorable! I love the movie Billy Elliot, really love it!
So cute!!!
Awww cutest post ever!
I’m a ballet teacher and I have to say, teaching the little ones is my absolute favourite!
Just beautiful!
That’s so cute! And that first picture is fantastic!!
So, so sweet. He is such a cutie.
Oh… my goodness. So precious!!! Ballet is fantastic for the little ones. It’s great for gross motor skills, coordination and balance. It’s also good to help develop skills such as listening, following instructions, recognizing rhythm, pattern and even some social cues. It is really great, besides exposing him to a different environment and type of music. Just fantastic! :)
(I did ballet for 8 years and I miss it badly. I’ve been away from it for over 10 years now and sometimes I still dream I’m in a ballet class or about to go on stage)
That tummy, those leggings, I could just squeeze him (gently, of course! ;) ) So precious!!
I can hardly stand that belly and those chubby little legs! I can’t imagne being his mama! SO sweet. Thanks for sharing!
Awesome! I love a ballet boy! My oldest (who is now 5) begged me to take ballet when he was three, and he loved it (even though he was the only boy and by far the most… um… energetic?). Beautiful pictures.
This is adorable! I have been teaching my 2 year old niece yoga… its so funny to see how interested they are in imitating you. and a baby downward dog is too cute!
He is too cute!
Eco-friendly Children’s Playhouse giveaway…
toby is so cuuttteee!!!!
This is just too much cuteness. I can’t handle it.
Ahh, that last side shot is sooo cute!!
<3 Dana @ This Silly Girl’s Life
You’ve pretty much got the sweetest little boy. Oh my gosh…
he’s sooooo cute and soooo lovely!!!!!!!!! the cape is perfect!!
He looks so adorable! Where are his leggings from? I enrolled my 2.5 year old into gymnastics, but would have loved ballet. ;)
these pics make my heart ache! aaaah! what a sweet boy!
monica, that sounds FANTASTIC. i’m going to look it up. and igotsapoodle, your comment made me laugh out loud.
thanks for all these sweet comments! toby will be chuffed:)
tracey, i know! how funny is that? i had no idea until a couple readers told me, and i watched it over the weekend. :)
So adorable!
Oh this is so cute! My dance studio has a fairytale ballet class for little kids and its SO adorable to watch.
Ah, good for Toby! everyone knows ballet classes are where the ladies are ;)
I saw you and Toby on an episode of Nova Science on PBS yesterday! You were making him laugh. (Probably old news). It was adorable.
that little crown is just too cute!!
mr toby will be very well rounded young man as he grows my nephew is the same age and he takes it and its hillarious because he just dances in a circle
Wow that’s different! Do you think he’ll take it up??
Haha this is so cute! I wouldn’t mind it …but I don’t think my husband would want our son to take ballet. We might try gymnastics next year though.
Could his tummy be any cuter.
Like seriously.
Oh my word, that is too cute! I think my little guy would love it, too. I want to find a tumbling class or something as he just loves rolling around and dancing:)
I love that you put him into ballet! My younger brother was in ballet, and then in gymnastics, and he used to love it.
look at that tummy! seriously so cute.
and kudos to you for signing him up for dance! such a good mama :)
i love this!! so sweet! his tummy is THE cutest!!
This is so sweet – it makes my heart hurt!
Xo Jill
his little tummy is the cutest thing ever!!! i love that he’s taking ballet!
Awww I don’t think he could look any cuter with that outfit on. How fun! Go Toby! I can’t wait to sign my daughter up for Ballet =)
– Sarah
My daughter is taking ballet now too and she loves it. We go to the Downton dance factory and they have so many fun classes. I love how the class encourages the children to listen, move their bodies with poise and there’s disclipline too. It’s amazing to see 11 2 year olds listening intently and sitting quietly while the teacher is talking and giving instructions (plus they all wear the same uniform and what can be sweeter than that?). Plus our class has some classic two year old favorite like yo gabba gabba music, a parachute and time to run around and jump.
Adorable! So awesome that you and Alex are already exposing him to so many different activities and experiences.
what a little cutie!
My son, Atticus, has been dancing (ballet) since he was 5 1/2. He is now 9 and this year will be his 4th Nutcracker with the Marat Daukayev School of Ballet, in Los Angeles. He loves ballet and it has taught him so much- flexibility, discipline, poise, athleticism, a strong work ethic, follow-through, and how to talk to girls :-). I strongly encourage it!
My 4-y-o son has been in ballet for a year, and loves it. I actually find it strange that there are no boys in his class. But he always loved watching Nutcracker on youtube (if you haven’t see it, the Bolshoi has a series of highlights) so we thought we’d give it a shot.
Now, he spins around our house, pointing and flexing his feet, and using all the French words for the jumps and so forth. It’s really sweet.
Here’s the Bolshoi channel if you’re interested.
That’s awesome! My husband thinks dance training would be a great start to my 16-month olds professional sports career… so we may be signing up in the future. (Not that I’m holding out hope for a pro career!)
How cute! My son is 4 and he is taking ballet and jazz (the teacher is an American dancer who lives in Barcelona), all the little ballerinas want to dance with him because apparently he can turn around very well, ha, ha They’re so cute! Marta
This makes me miss living in new york so much. So cute!
ohhh! so cute! the leggings are fab!
So sweet :)
Go Tobester Go!
Eat Cake
I am so pleased that Toby is taking ballet!! It’s so good for kids-especially creative movement. And if he happens to stick with it, ballet offers amazing perks to male dancers!
Cute!! I love little boy ballerinas. Plus, they are always in high demand when they get older.
I adore that you took him the ballet! I so very badly want to enroll our son when it is time!
Just found your blog very cute! I love it will definitely be returning!
He is so cute and look at that belly and little round face!
Oh my gosh! Toby and his crown made my morning 150% better!
That is just about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! I love the little outfits he has on!
I am so jealous that you are finding classes for him as young as he is. My son is 1 month older than Toby, and everything here in Utah is for 3 and up.
Chubby babies and milky tea.
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