Today I’m excited to share another hair tutorial! My genius friend Caroline used chalk (yes, plain old chalk) to color the ends of her hair like a rainbow, and you could also do ombre or just your favorite color. Don’t you love this sexy rocker look? Here’s how to do it…
Here are Caroline’s steps, and the wonderful Jamie Beck took photos:Dying hair crazy colors is a trend that’s been going strong for a while now, but what do you do if you want to have some fun, and don’t want to commit to a semi-permanent dye? Here’s your answer! Chalk pastels are my go-to when I want to add some fun into my hair.
1. Get yourself some hair chalk.
2. Pick your favorite color of chalk, and wet the tip of the chalk you have chosen. Then rub the end of the chalk up and down the tips of your hair, re-wetting when necessary. (You can also wet your hair instead of the chalk, but I find it easier to just re-wet the chalk when needed. You don’t want your waterlog your hair, since then it will become a mushy mess.)
3. Switch colors if you want. Just go crazy. Experiment. This type of hair is meant to be fun and carefree! (For my hair, I used a combo of four colors: magenta, peach, royal blue, and turquoise.)
4. Wait for your newly colored hair to dry a little before you get dressed. You don’t want to get colored dye on your party outfit. Also, don’t forget to wash your hands after, you’re going to get a bit messy. Don’t worry, it comes off with soap and water!
Three extra tips:
* If you have lighter hair, skip wetting the chalk first and just use the chalk dry on your hair. Wetting it may stain lighter hair a bit more than darker hair. If you find that the color isn’t showing up enough for you, you may want to run a flat iron over the part you just colored. The heat will help brighten and seal the color in.
* Apologies in advance for the ladies with super dark hair; you may have to sit this one out (although, you could try some bright blues and purples for a cool subdued effect).
* Don’t fear that it will rub off onto your clothing once it’s dry. I was wearing a white blouse when we took these photos, and I went out to dinner afterward and came home with no trace of color anywhere on me or my clothing (save for some bright pink chalk under my nails because i didn’t wash my hands well enough;).
There you have it! Fun stuff! Have a good time, ladies!!!Thank you so much, Caroline and Jamie! Would be really fun for a date, a night out with friends or a birthday party. Would you do it?
P.S. Nine hair tutorials…
(Photos by Jamie Beck for Cup of Jo. In the outdoor photos, Caroline is wearing this white shirt and these jeans in neon persimmon. Her red lipstick is Ruby Woo by MAC. Her jewelry is from her own line, Brvtvs, and will be available in early June. In the how-to photos, Caroline is wearing vintage jeans–similar ones here–and this Ikat top.)