28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleThe 2019 Spartan Death Race only became harder as participants neared the finish line. Racers were stripped of their senses for an hour, made to crawl up a hill on their stomachs, literally dragged themselves through mud, and, at one point, were eliminated from the race and had to fight their way back in. Here’s the sights from Day Three.
Amanda Suarez / M+F Magazine
Amanda Suarez / M+F Magazine
Amanda Suarez / M+F Magazine
Amanda Suarez / M+F Magazine
Brian Riley / M+F Magazine
Brian Riley / M+F Magazine
Brian Riley / M+F Magazine
Brian Riley / M+F Magazine
Brian Riley / M+F Magazine
Amanda Suarez / M+F Magazine
Amanda Suarez / M+F Magazine
Erica Schultz / M+F Magazine
Amanda Suarez / M+F Magazine
Amanda Suarez / M+F Magazine
Amanda Suarez / M+F Magazine
Erica Schultz / M+F Magazine
Amanda Suarez / M+F Magazine